Excellent galvanization in Budapest!
Excellent quality, beautiful coating.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us, our staff is happy to help you.
We would like to show you our interactive, introductory material!
We are looking forward to helping you.
Guaranteed quality and reliability.
Cromkontakt Galvánipari Kft.
Address: 1214 Budapest, II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 289-295.
Open hours: Monday-Friday.: 07:00 am.- 3:00 pm.
Information: info@cromkontakt.hu
Customer relationship manager:
Gabriella Putnoki
Tel.: +36-30-843-1318
Tel.: +36-1-278-22-17
Financial section:
Éva Fazekas
Tel.: +36-20-553-1188
E-mail: fazekas.eva@cromkontakt.hu